
Several environmental factors may indicate confounding variables at work.

anthropomorphism. Animals talking, sitting in chairs, lying, and displaying other common behavior usually attributed to human beings.

aphasia. Loss or impairment of the power of speech or writing, or of the ability to understand written or spoken language or signs, due to a brain injury or disease.  See also: Drugs that Deprave.

arrhythmia. Any variation from normal heartbeat. See also love.

ataxia.  Unsteady or irregular manner of walking or movement caused by loss or failure of muscular co-ordination.

biolocation. Uncommon phenomenon of person or object appearing in two distant places simultaneously. See also Doppelgangers.

birds, inside of house. The presence of a bird indoors (with the exception of birds that are prepared specifically to be eaten and Yard Waste) indicates one is beyond the pale.

catatonia. Schizophrenia marked by excessive, and sometimes violent, motor activity and excitement, or by generalized inhibition.  See also Love, Unrequited.

confabulation.  A memory that is a distortion of an actual experience of a confabulation of an imagined experience. See also Drugs that Deprave.

crisis apparitions. Apparitions of someone dying from trauma who shows signs of physical death; i.e. dripping water from body while drowning somewhere else.

defense and escape velocity. The sudden acquisition of multiple Individual Protective Devices when no obvious threats are visible is a sure sign that an individual will leave the pale. When psychological and emotional factors push one beyond the pale, it is not unusual for the distraught person to spend the last hours pre-departure sobbing, taking to self, and acquiring multiple Individual Protective Devices.  Those who are propelled beyond the pale by their own hysteria often subconsciously arm themselves and are surprised to find protective gear, brass knuckles, and random dangerous objects on their person.  See also: Individual Protective Devices, Escape Velocity.


dematerialization: Sudden disappearance of an item; See also The Rabbit.

doorway amnesia:
the curious failure of abductees to remember the moment of entry or departure from a UFO.

downed live wires. A sure indication that one has ventured unknowingly beyond the pale.

found objects. Those who frequently leave the psychological pale are likely to find 22 caliber bullets, bird bones, marbles, single domino 5-9 known as The Trial (indicates imminent death), rock towers, secret notes, boomerangs.


glass, frequent breaking of.  Jagged pieces of glass appearing with no explanation or the breaking of windows or mirrors; often precipitates the leaving of the pale.

lycanthropy. Delusional belief that one has turned into an animal.

mania. Emotional disorder (mental illness) characterized by an expansive and elated state (euphoria), rapid speech, flight of ideas, decreased need for sleep, distractibility, grandiosity, poor judgment and increased motor activity. See also Drugs that Deprave, Love, Signs of Magical Attack.

melancholia. Somber sorrow weighing on a person's soul; may cause one to behave like a rooster, gaze longingly at broken item, or wander among tombs at night or gaze at yard waste with a mind of immense sadness (see also: Love, unrequited)

missing time. Sudden inability to recall activities completed while in a seemingly lucid state.

neighbors with bizarre injuries.  When one leaves the pale, at first glance everything may appear normal. Whiplash and other injuries amongst multiple neighbors commonly indicates that one has left the pale.

neoteny. Retention of juvenile behavior and appearances into adulthood. Observed in both humans and animals, particularly dogs.

phantasmagoria apparatus:
Invention used for exhibiting optical illusions that mentally embody the fears of one experiencing a state of hysterical delirium. Such apparitions may appear as monstrous cadavers.

A sudden, morbid impulse to journey away from home. Automatic wandering impulse manifesting in aimless wandering which may last for hours or days at a time. May lead to murder, incendiarism, or prostitution but is typically the result of ennui. 

psychosis. Any major mental disorder characterized by derangement of the personality and loss of contact with reality (otherwise known as the pale). See also, Drugs that deprave, Magical attack, Love.

self-injurious behavior.  Actions observed in children that include biting off their fingers, which is known to cause adults to place these children in camisoles ( straight jackets) and leave them in asylums sometimes for years.

simulacra. Spontaneous images arising form natural formations that resemble living figures, most often perceived as shapes of animals in clouds or faces in the bark of trees.

The trial – 5.6 dominoes

vertigo. Dizziness, an illusion of movement as if the external world were revolving around an individual or as if the individual were revolving in space.

wasting syndrome. Disease marked by weight loss and atrophy of muscular and other connective tissues that is not directly related to a decrease in food and water consumption.